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Happy in Our Skin de Fran Manushkin

DescripciĂłn - CrĂ­ticas With plenty of sentimental books about belonging available, a fun angle on the ties that bind members of the human family is welcome...Following a light-skinned mother and her three children (who share their father's brown skin), Tobia (Baby's Got the Blues) creates an expansive, multicultural cast of urbanites enjoying themselves at a park, at the public pool, and at a boisterous block party. It's freewheeling fun--a perfect book for the months when we all try to wear as little as possible.--Publishers Weekly (starred review) The combination of lovingly humorous and detailed mixed-media illustrations and infectious rhymes will cause little ones and their families to pore over this book again and again.--Kirkus Reviews Happy in Our Skin paints a picture of an ideal world that recognizes the value of diversity and shuns color blindness--a positive message for ears of every age and color.--Booklist Online A delightful feel-good story.--School Library Journal Reseña del editor “A cheeky meditation on the everyday miraculousness of skin. . . . It’s freewheeling fun.” — Publishers Weekly (starred review)Is there anything more splendid than a baby’s skin? Cocoa-brown, cinnamon, peaches and cream. As children grow, their clever skin does, too, enjoying hugs and tickles, protecting them inside and out, and making them one of a kind. Fran Manushkin’s rollicking text and Lauren Tobia’s delicious illustrations paint a breezy and irresistible picture of the human family — and how wonderful it is to be just who you are. BiografĂ­a del autor   

Detalles del Libro

  • Name: Happy in Our Skin
  • Autor: Fran Manushkin
  • Categoria: Libros,Infantil,Lugares y culturas
  • Tamaño del archivo: 8 MB
  • Tipos de archivo: PDF Document
  • Idioma: Español
  • Archivos de estado: AVAILABLE

Lee un libro Happy in Our Skin de Fran Manushkin libros ebooks

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Happy in Our Skin: : Fran Manushkin: Books ~ Happy in Our Skin can create an easy opportunity to have some important conversations about race. This can help parents lay the groundwork for tolerance, acceptance and for the end of racism. #AAQ Lens:Race matters. “Color blindness” is a misguided strategy for nurturing racial harmony and racial identity.

Happy in Our Skin: Manushkin, Fran, Tobia, Lauren ~ Happy in Our Skin can create an easy opportunity to have some important conversations about race. This can help parents lay the groundwork for tolerance, acceptance and for the end of racism. #AAQ Lens:Race matters. “Color blindness” is a misguided strategy for nurturing racial harmony and racial identity.

Happy in Our Skin by Fran Manushkin - Goodreads ~ Happy in Our Skin by Tobia Manushkin Happy in Our Skin is a book full of kids of multiple diverse cultures. They aren’t focusing on one specific gender or race, there are families going to work, kids in wheelchairs, kids are sure to at least find one person they can relate to on one of the pages.

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Happy in Our Skin by Fran Manushkin: 9780763699727 ~ Happy in Our Skin paints a picture of an ideal world that recognizes the value of diversity and shuns color blindness—a positive message for ears of every age and color. —Booklist Online A delightful feel-good story. —School Library Journal . Related Articles.

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